... c-accident
Bicyclist had the green light. Truck ran red light. Bicyclist killed. "The driver of the truck has been cited for disregarding a traffic control device." That's it? Disregarding a traffic control device? Wow. Open season on bicyclists, I guess.
Bicyclist killed by red-light runner
This is why I quit riding in Peoria. I have had too many close calls plus people who think it is funny to give a little swerve at you to "keep you in your place". Had a 1/2 full can of Coke thrown at me, too. I think it is a combination of driver's thinking cyclists do not/should not have the same rights to the road as they do and are even harder to see than motorcycles. That said, there are far too many "cyclists" (maybe I should call them people riding bicycles) who do not follow the rules of the road, ride however they want, and are all over the road. Doesn't sound like that was the case here, though.
Why do I feel some sort of ridiculous retort will occur in 3.........2........1...........