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Too much death

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by DennisinMH
Breaking briefly from my hiatus from posting (usually political stuff)

It seems in the past week, death has made it's sting, or will make it's sting to various people my wife and I are associated with. Obviously for privacy reasons, I cannot say names. But prayers and thoughts are still welcome.

1. A co-worker of my wife's had to leave the state suddenly because her sister passed away. Cause unknown.

2. Another co-worker of my wife, whom she worked with on Saturday, did not show up for work on Monday. After not being able to contact him, police were called for a wellness check. He was found slumped over at his computer terminal. I don't know his age, but he'd been with the company for over 25 years. Everyone where wife works is just shocked, but knew he had some health issues.

3. One of our good church friends had a brother that just passed away. He had battled cancer, and was at home in hospice for about 2 weeks.

4. A co-worker at one of my jobs has a young daughter, (probably about age 10?) suddenly got sick a week ago, had to have emergency surgery for a brain bleed. She was diagnosed with DIPG. a tumor found in the brain stem. There is no cure and operating is not an option. The family was meeting with St. Jude for for test results, and what they can do to make her remaining time comfortable. .Radiation can shrink the tumor and stop it from spreading, but it will not destroy it.

5. My brother-in-law, whom I've mentioned in other posts, has been in the hospital for 4 weeks now; he initially was home with what he thought was pneumonia, then his wife tested positive for COVID as did he. He had been in and out of ICU depending on how his system reacted to increased dosages of oxygen. Besides COVID, he also had COPD. Just a few days ago, the doctors put him back in an ICU with a ventilator. Two days ago, we found out his kidneys were failing. My sister-in-law, his wife, has already contacted her minister about possible funeral. COVID is real and it's nasty folks. Only my SIL knows what treatment he was getting, as she has a background in the medical field. I think my BIL is about 70, maybe a little older. Not sure. His sons (from previous marriage) and his sisters have been contacted, and have already either arrived from out of state or on their way. They have only been married since about 1994.

Thank you for letting me vent, and please, no political comments on how COVID has been handled in this country. There are enough posts elsewhere on that topic. Thank you.

Re: Too much death

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by CCubs
Dennis, sorry for these issues you are going through right now. I went through something similar about 10 years ago. You have to remember to take care of yourself too. Hang in there.

Re: Too much death

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by Bearsfam
Really sorry to hear this, Dennis. It's been a year of loss for several of my family and friends, as well. 2020 can't end soon enough.

Re: Too much death

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by born2race2win1954!
So sorry, Dennis. As we get older we unfortunately encounter more illnesses and loss in our lives. Hang in there.

Re: Too much death

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by kevwr1962
Sorry to hear you are going through all this at once. Not even COVID related it just seems like there have been a lot of deaths this year. Hang in there.

Re: Too much death

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by DennisinMH
I appreciate everyone's comments here, thank you!

I'm sad to announce that my brother in law passed away yesterday afternoon. His kidneys had failed, and he had the doctors remove the ventilator. His wife was with him when he passed. A memorial service for family only is being planned.

Another couple from my church are grieving as well, as in early October, their son and daughter-in-law were found dead in their home in Washington state. It's not due to natural causes, and police are investigating.

And the father whose daughter was diagnosed with that brain tumor posted on Facebook on why he hasn't been seen at work. It happens to be Mark Welp, who I worked with on the Morning Shows at WMBD before he was promoted to the evening anchor spot.