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Free at-home Covid-19 tests

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by Toldyouso
After considerable searching, I found a source of free, mailed-to-your-home Covid-19 test kits for SOME people in Peoria. They are available to people living in select zip codes within the city and county. They may be available to some living in Tazewell and Woodford counties, too. Check your local Health Department.
From the Peoria City/County Health Department’s website:

Free COVID-19 At Home Tests Available
11-4-22 A second round of home delivery kits will be available on a limited basis through Project ACT: Order 1 package of 5 free COVID-19 test kits at for specified zip codes 61602, 61603, 61605, 61606, as well as some zip codes in 13 other Illinois counties. Project Act is an Illinois Department of Public Health partnership with the Rockefeller Foundation.

Please share this information with anyone who might need it. Thanks!