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Wonderful woman

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by DennisinPeoria
Ronda Guyton started working at the Peoria Sheriff's office at age 21, gradually moving up in rank until she was promoted to Undersheriff of Corrections, or jail superintendent if you will. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012, had a double mastectomy, and had been in remission almost 10 years. Until she recently was diagnosed with Stage IV mestatic breast cancer, meaning cancer had spread beyond her chest. There is no cure.

So, she decided to retire, enjoy family and traveling. Even though she was clearing her office yesterday, her official last day is August 31. She's also been active in the community, including working with fundraisers for Susan B Komen foundation, and serving on the board of the African American Hall of Fame Museum. She accomplished all this despite being raised in poverty and being a teen mom .

Those at the Peoria County jail will said they will miss her attitude and smile.

Re: Wonderful woman

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by CCubs
Good story, but also sad for sure. Best wishes.

Re: Wonderful woman

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by AV8R
Haven't had any contact with Rhonda since my retirement but I remember her well. she is a good person who always had a smile and I was really sorry to hear this news.