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An End and a Beginning

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by DennisinMH
It will be 8 years ago on Monday that my 27-year position at PCCEO ended due to Federal funding cuts. While my title, Media Services Coordinator, included managing a department, my main duties involved video production. Weekly production of 2-1-hour Cable TV Shows, client videos, and more. Creating videos and stories about the issues and accomplishments of Community Action, their clients, poverty and the African-American Community, will always be fond memories for me.

8 years is a long time without a full-time job of shooting and editing video. (I did have FT job 6 years ago with a CAT contractor, but it didn't involve video, and it only lasted 9 months) I was fortunate to keep up my video skills with PT work at WEEK-TV 25, East Side Community Media, and my "Out and About with the Video Guy" Facebook Blog.

So, it's only fitting that while June 28, 2013 was the end of an era, June 28, 2021 is the beginning of a new one. I begin a new full-time job as a News Photographer/Videographer for WMBD/WYZZ News! Last Friday was the last day of my 2 Part Time jobs, one of them at WMBD working with the early morning news shows since March, 2020 (with 2:30 am wake-up alarms), and Jason's Deli, where I've also worked since September, 2015.

The last 6 years, I have felt like I was floundering in water, applying for many full-time jobs, either getting reject emails, not even a phone interview, or no responses at all. I did have one interview for a Video job I knew I was qualified for. Rejected. Age discrimination started coming to mind, as I had to put down I graduated from college in 1980. Or maybe I was overqualified.

Regardless, I was overcome with emotion after walking out of WMBD after learning I had been promoted. I thanked God for finally answering my prayers of obtaining a FT job doing something I've loved doing since Steve Huey brought me on board at B&M Studios in September, 1980 at age 20.

Creating video is, and always has been, one of my passions. Raising a wonderful family with my wife, and watching our young grandson grow, is another. I'm grateful to Nexstar/WMBD/WYZZ for giving me the chance to shoot news stories, informing the people of what's happening in their community. I'm looking forward to this new, exciting era!

Re: An End and a Beginning

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by Toldyouso
Great news! Hope the new gig is everything you want it to be.