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Ameren Power-smart Pricing

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by EastBluffCynic
Is anyone else signed up for the power-smart pricing? According to what I'm reading you pay more or less based on when you use power during the day. Costs more during peak use hours, cheaper during off-time.

Anyone else know anything about this? I tend to be a cynic when something looks like a good idea....,

Re: Ameren Power-smart Pricing

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by DennisinMH
Almost sounds like the steady or straight budgeting option they had a few years ago. Maybe they still have it.

You tell Ameren how much you can pay per month for services. Once a year, the difference is made up. Depending on your budgeted level and gas/electricity use, you pay more, or less.

Re: Ameren Power-smart Pricing

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by kevwr1962
I signed up for it. I figured during peak times I'm usually at work and use less energy.

Re: Ameren Power-smart Pricing

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by AV8R
I signed up, and also have the budget billing. I get a set bill every month, at the halfway point they do some of their math and recalculate the payment. This year mine went down $5 a month at midpoint. At years end, there is a "make good" where either you owe them or they owe you. It's nice to have a set bill I can budget for.

Re: Ameren Power-smart Pricing

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by Tazewell
EastBluffCynic wrote: Wed Jul 08, 2020 11:31 pmIs anyone else signed up for the power-smart pricing?
We are. We have saved $170 over the last 4 years. The main thing is keeping energy usage low during the peak hours.

Re: Ameren Power-smart Pricing

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by EastBluffCynic
The part that made me question things was this:
Our records show you are currently purchasing your electricity supply from a Retail Electric Supplier (RES) through either an individual contract or as part of a municipal aggregation program. When you enroll in Power Smart Pricing, your electric supply will switch from the RES to Ameren Illinois effective with your next meter read. Note that fees and conditions from the RES may apply should you terminate your RES contract.
I don't recall ever signing up for an RES, so I was afraid this was some sort of trick to sign me up for something else which in reality costs 3x as much.

So, this is a good thing then?

Re: Ameren Power-smart Pricing

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by Whit
EastBluffCynic wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 9:27 am The part that made me question things was this:
Our records show you are currently purchasing your electricity supply from a Retail Electric Supplier (RES) through either an individual contract or as part of a municipal aggregation program. When you enroll in Power Smart Pricing, your electric supply will switch from the RES to Ameren Illinois effective with your next meter read. Note that fees and conditions from the RES may apply should you terminate your RES contract.
I don't recall ever signing up for an RES, so I was afraid this was some sort of trick to sign me up for something else which in reality costs 3x as much.

So, this is a good thing then?
Good question! Although I wonder if the program would work for me, my situation has someone home almost 24/7. I'll be asking my mayor this weekend about that RES contract. I believe Chilli is on one.

Re: Ameren Power-smart Pricing

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by EastBluffCynic
Whit wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 7:33 pm Although I wonder if the program would work for me, my situation has someone home almost 24/7.
I had this strange thought about how "sure, if you go on THIS plan, it's 50% cheaper, but the base price is 3x as much as you were paying before...."

I suppose if someone was home 24/7, that wouldn't be too awful I was giving some thought to my energy usage and the only main variance would be when I do laundry. Everything else is fairly constant and the majority of my lights are LED bulbs.

Re: Ameren Power-smart Pricing

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by RPlant
EastBluffCynic wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 9:27 am The part that made me question things was this:
Our records show you are currently purchasing your electricity supply from a Retail Electric Supplier (RES) through either an individual contract or as part of a municipal aggregation program. When you enroll in Power Smart Pricing, your electric supply will switch from the RES to Ameren Illinois effective with your next meter read. Note that fees and conditions from the RES may apply should you terminate your RES contract.
I don't recall ever signing up for an RES, so I was afraid this was some sort of trick to sign me up for something else which in reality costs 3x as much.

So, this is a good thing then?
Your local town or county likely has "Energy Aggregation". They pick your electric supplier for you unless you electively / actively express your choice to "Opt Out". We have always opt'd out and stayed with Ameren - CILCO, gas & electric.

Re: Ameren Power-smart Pricing

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by RambleOn
I just do what I have done for years. I pay what I want to pay. Usually between $100 & $150 every month. My June bill, payable July 15th was $67.92, so I only paid $90. After paying the current bill and adding back what I paid, it leaves a credit balance of $421.23. My only air conditioner is the window unit that has sat in a closet since 1998.. I like going into fall and winter with a nice credit, so I can keep my payments within the range I have set. Rarely, if ever have I had to pay more than that during a winter month, but I look forward to spring & summer to build up the credit again. Doing it my way, Ameren doesn't make their adjustments and there are no surprises for me.