They LIED!

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All elected officials past and present from the White House on down to state lawmakers? Nope, if that was the issue, this thread would be in the politics category.

Nope, I'm talking about all the groundhogs around the country that were woke up from their winter's sleep and saw their shadow, thus predicting 6 more weeks of winter.

Based on the weather last few days, and the forecast for next week, I'd say they were lying.

But I'm ok with this kind of lie. Granted, Spring doesn't start for about 15 days, so (knock on wood) hope we won't have anymore cold winter weather.
F**k these insane trackers, this place is not a healthy debate of issues anymore, just a bunch of folks trying to outdo one another. Where is the cancel account button?
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Joined: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm

I hope you are right, but I have run the snowblower on April 2.
Why do I feel some sort of ridiculous retort will occur in 3.........2........1...........
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