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Board Discussions

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by Jannn1959
I have tried so hard to like the WAP Community, but it is impossible. I had hope that it would get better, but there is too much division, ridicule, animosity, and vitriol, and I cannot stomach it anymore. The political boards are dominated by a few (6-10) people on both sides of the aisle and little is done to stop the vitriol between members.

I understand that the moderator does not have the time to deal with every post, but I do not understand why the members cannot moderate their own behavior.

I’m sure the response of those that have high-jacked the board will be if you don’t like it, leave — you are right.

Does anyone know of a board where they talk about politics where they don’t attack one with such hate, that is they just discuss politics in a civil way — I know it can be done!

Re: Board Discussions

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by RPlant
@Jannn1959 you make a fair point. At one time we had voted on leaving politics unregulated, but after the election it became partially regulated. I could see having a fully moderated forum like general chat and a free for all section.

Re: Board Discussions

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by DennisinMH
Jannn1959 wrote: Sun Feb 14, 2021 10:55 am I have tried so hard to like the WAP Community, but it is impossible. I had hope that it would get better, but there is too much division, ridicule, animosity, and vitriol, and I cannot stomach it anymore. The political boards are dominated by a few (6-10) people on both sides of the aisle and little is done to stop the vitriol between members.

I understand that the moderator does not have the time to deal with every post, but I do not understand why the members cannot moderate their own behavior.

I’m sure the response of those that have high-jacked the board will be if you don’t like it, leave — you are right.

Does anyone know of a board where they talk about politics where they don’t attack one with such hate, that is they just discuss politics in a civil way — I know it can be done!
It's unfortunate it's denigrated because of a few commenters that can't post without slurring or calling names of someone with an opposing view. I have never lowered myself to calling someone stupid, ignorant, or more. There's been many times I've criticized Conservatives, but also put in parenthesis "Not necessarily here".

Whatever happened to "Peoria Talk"? Is that still around?

Re: Board Discussions

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by WAPJoe
Equitable moderation is difficult to achieve. NO moderation quickly got out of hand. So miminum moderation is being tried and seems to have reduced some of the problems. I can moderate more, but for what purpose? The political forum reflects the political divide in America. Moderating it doesn't make it go away, it only masks it. A "polite forum" would probably not be very active. and I don't want to moderate what is "polite" and what isn't. Self moderation would be welcomed, probably more by me than anyone. It might surprise you how many flags I get on a daily basis.

Re: Board Discussions

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by RPlant
WAPJoe wrote: Sun Feb 14, 2021 2:21 pm It might surprise you how many flags I get on a daily basis.
No, I wouldn't.