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Re: Mass shooting in Chicago

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by AV8R
RPlant wrote: Thu Jul 08, 2021 6:02 am
AV8R wrote: Wed Jul 07, 2021 10:05 pm
CCubs wrote: Wed Jul 07, 2021 6:47 pm So,...I'll ask again. WHAT should and could be done to STOP the killings and violence that is going on???
What can a police officer, police captain, Mayor, polititians do differently than their predecessors to curb, or better yet stop killings and violence? It is easy to point fingers and blame,but what can seriously be done? I have my own opinion and usually get lambasted for it. But I truly believe better gun control. Now as I say that I doubt it would have an immediate impact, but we need to start somewhere. And, YES there should be a limit to the number of guns a person should own AND, the power and performance of said guns.
Should there be a limit to the number of words a person can say? How about a limit to how much property a person has a right to be secure from unreasonable search and siezure?

Where do you stop limiting Constitutional Rights?
Yeah and what about those speed limits!?! I mean like where does this overreach stop?
Is velocity guaranteed by the Constitution?

Re: Mass shooting in Chicago

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by DennisinMH
So Operation Legend didn't violate any Constitutional rights of the folks that were arrested? Just asking.

Re: Mass shooting in Chicago

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by AV8R
DennisinMH wrote: Thu Jul 08, 2021 12:41 pm So Operation Legend didn't violate any Constitutional rights of the folks that were arrested? Just asking.
I have no idea, but if it did then they certainly have the right to sue over it.

Re: Mass shooting in Chicago

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by CCubs
So nobody else has any ideas or proposals? I find it interesting that such a busy topic, and yet no opinions on ending gun violence. Actually I think that speaks volumes, to me it just proves that there is no easy answer. And that is why I say much stricter gun ownership laws and definitely stricter punishment for crimes committed. Again,...I know that would take time, but we aren't getting anywhere now anyway.

( Toldyouso - I can't believe that you don't have an idea for a solution. )

Re: Mass shooting in Chicago

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by Toldyouso
I think Mayor Lightfoot ought to demand that the Biden administration reinstate Operation LeGend. It’s the only thing that has worked to lessen the bloodshed. Suck it up, Joe. You were bested by Trump, again.

Re: Mass shooting in Chicago

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by AV8R
I have ideas but you wouldn’t like them.

Re: Mass shooting in Chicago

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by CCubs
Go ahead. Just because I might not like them is no reason not to share.

Re: Mass shooting in Chicago

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by Toldyouso
Chicago Mayor Asks Biden For Help Stopping Homicides After Rejecting Trump’s Offer
by John HawkinsPosted: July 9, 2021

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot asked Joe Biden to send Federal agents to the city to help stop the out-of-control violence in the city.
Donald Trump had previously offered to do just that and Lightfoot made a big show of rejecting Trump’s offer. In July last year, Lightfoot sent a letter to President Donald Trump saying:

“What we do not need, and what will certainly make our community less safe is secret, federal agents deployed to Chicago. Any other form of militarized assistance within our borders that would not be within our control or within the direct command of the Chicago Police Department would spell disaster.”
Trump sent the agents anyway as part of Operation Legend. Ultimately, without the cooperation of the Mayor’s office, they were limited in what they could do to help the people of Chicago. Still, they did help get some criminals off the streets:

Since the operation’s launch in Chicago on July 22, 2020, through Aug. 31, 2020, 103 defendants have been charged with federal felony offenses relating to violent crime affecting the city of Chicago.  Most defendants have been charged in the Northern District of Illinois, including more than 60 defendants facing a lead firearms-related charge, and more than 25 defendants facing a lead drug trafficking charge.
Now that Biden is in office, Lightfoot is welcoming help from the Feds for her poorly run, crime-ridden city:

“I’m expecting those resources to be coming relatively soon, based upon a conversation I had yesterday, both with ATF and the President. I’ve made no secret of the fact that I think this is a matter of incredible urgency I think the president’s plan is to make a big difference in localities like Chicago this summer. So the clock is ticking in getting those resources on the ground here up and activated with local partners, the most effective way for them to really make a difference is to get here sooner rather than later.”

Re: Mass shooting in Chicago

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by DennisinMH
In my opinion,the Mayor is being somewhat a hypocrite. However, when Trump offered help, the Federal agents should have been under auspices of the Chicago police department, instead of being a separate operation. Lightfoot probably rejected it based on the Feds taking control. Who knows the problem areas better, the Feds or the Chicago police officers?

Re: Mass shooting in Chicago

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
by AV8R
I’m all for cooperation among state and federal agencies but it will be a cold day in hell when the feds operate under the auspices of a local PD.

No disrespect to local PD’s but the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution must be taken into account.