COVID-19 is close to losing its epidemic status in the U.S.

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LovelyRita wrote: ↑Mon Jul 06, 2020 3:23 pm You've insulted me all day long. Do strong women bother you? You don't insult the intelligence of those with masculine user names.

You also didn't point out what was wrong with what I said.

Coronavirus infections are spiking and the epidemic/pandemic is far from over. Deaths aren't a measure of where we are. In fact, Science Rocks! Try it!
and which masculine user names are those? :geek: Now I am starting to blush.

and, Coronavirus isn't going anywhere. it will be here for the rest of humanity's future. We've only ever eradicated like 2 viruses in the entire history of mankind and social distancing wasn't the tool.
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Joe, Kev, Dennis, Whit.....?

Until there's a vaccine we would be wise to respect it! Sounds like you are. Thanks.
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LovelyRita wrote: ↑Mon Jul 06, 2020 3:34 pm Joe, Kev, Dennis, Whit.....?

Until there's a vaccine we would be wise to respect it! Sounds like you are. Thanks.
We all are. This is a COVID-19 Respect Zone.
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LovelyRita wrote: ↑Mon Jul 06, 2020 3:23 pm Do strong women bother you?
No not at all. Idiots on the other hand do. So there's that.
JustRight and I are friends, so clearly it's not strong women that bother me. I respect her opinion because it's logical.
You don't insult the intelligence of those with masculine user names.
then you're not paying attention. Ask JOE pyeweed if that's true.
You also didn't point out what was wrong with what I said.
It was just more nonsense. You want to claim deaths don't measure a pandemic. I post information from CDC that deaths are the SOLE metric used by them to declare an epidemic. You babble on about the dictionary definition of pandemic and that this is a pandemic not an epidemic. Newsflash dumbo: a pandemic, medically defined, is an EPIDEMIC that has crossed international boundaries. So other than geography they are identical. The measure of an epidemic, thereby a pandemic, is deaths. The CDC threshold for deaths in this pandemic is 5.9%
I used the CDC definition because on multiple occasions you've quoted them as reliable, except now you pivot to the WHO. Grow a spine and stick to a theory. It's okay. People will respect you more if you do.
Coronavirus infections are spiking and the epidemic/pandemic is far from over. Deaths aren't a measure of where we are. In fact, Science Rocks! Try it!
My observations are based in fact and science. I do research and form my own conclusions. You read talking points and spout off about everything under the sun, just like you did on PDC.
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Repeating t something false over and over doesn't make it true.

You're foolish if you believe this pandemic is anywhere close to being over. Using data you pull from your stools doesn't change the severity of the issue. Hospitals are being overwhelmed and we've basically undone any progress we made in the spring.
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except deaths are down. waaay down. No way for you to avoid that little factoid in your fictional novella.
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I'm glad fewer people are dying. 130,000 dead is a lot. But, again, there's a lot of illness between asymptomatic and death. Unfortunately, hospitalizations are way up this week. The pandemic is not slowing down at all.
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you're still conflating facts. Infections are up, and that's likely a result of tests being up. Hospitalizations are up in some counties, down in the vast majority of them. Neither of those have anything AT ALL to do with the designation of "pandemic." I know you don't understand it, but maybe if you try.

PANDEMICS are EPIDEMICS that cross international boundaries.
EPIDEMICS are defined by deaths. This one is established at 5.9% above norm.
HOSPITALIZATIONS and INFECTION RATES don't an epidemic make.
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Now you're just telling lies. Infection rates aren't rising due to testing. That's been disproved since about 6 seconds after that buffoon said it. You need to watch THIS week's news, not last week's.
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I'm done with you, I don't have a degree in Kinder education so I have no idea how to get through to your mental age.
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