Bear and Bunny project

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Posts: 2088
Joined: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm

I took a multi-media production course at ICC in Fall, 2019. It was mostly to refresh my skills on Adobe Photoshop, but also brought me up to date with the Adobe Premiere CC interface. (Been using Premiere since 2001). The main project was animating a children's book.

One requirement was you had to be on camera for the intro. And I utilized the entire family on this. Older daughter/son-in-law did voices in intro, wife and I did book voices, and younger daughter was narrator.

Oh, and I did get an A for the class.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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Joined: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:30 pm
Location: Peoria

Pretty good. I would say that you deserved the (A) that you got.
People don't care how much you know.
They want to know how much you care.
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