Fall School

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LovelyRita wrote: Fri Jul 17, 2020 9:14 pm Ooooh! Where do you work? I'd love to drop in.
And actually move away from your poison pen keyboard for an hour? I think I'll start a Go Fund Me page for people to donate to get you an Uber,
Why do I feel some sort of ridiculous retort will occur in 3.........2........1...........
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As opposed to some of the TWI (typing while intoxicated) going on in this post?
You mean its not the flu!?!

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Peoria pediatrician Dr. Terry Ho:
"Schools provide education and structure, they provide a safe environment. There's a lot of social and emotional benefits that can also be protective. In my own practice, we've seen increased amounts of anxiety and depression, and there's lots of concerns for the mental health of children who have been isolated at home," he said. "There's a lot of social disparities that have been magnified due to this pandemic. There's food insecurities, and we're seeing racial inequities in our own communities. School helps with those things by providing a place for a kid to have a warm meal and a foundation. So essentially it's a discussion of risk and pros vs. cons. Can we limit the risk to take advantage of the pros of school? Or can we get to a point when the risks are too high, and we should be at home? I think right now at this moment we are at a place where it would be safe to be at school."
Source: Peoria Journal Star
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Oh! Well! I didn't know Dr. Ho said it was safe for children and staff to return to..school! That changes everything!

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Triggered by a pediatrician offering a medical opinion? Perhaps you should ask your gerentologist if Xanax is for you.
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AV8R wrote: Sat Jul 18, 2020 9:06 pm Triggered by a pediatrician offering a medical opinion? Perhaps you should ask your gerentologist if Xanax is for you.
She better buy them in bulk before reading this:
“The [American Academy of Pediatrics] AAP guidance is based on what pediatricians and infectious disease specialists know about COVID-19 and kids. Evidence so far suggests that children and adolescents are less likely to have symptoms or severe disease from infection. They also appear less likely to become infected or spread the virus.
Schools provide more than just academics to children and adolescents. In addition to reading, writing and math, children learn social and emotional skills, get exercise and access to mental health support and other things that cannot be provided with online learning. For many families, school is where kids get healthy meals, access to the internet, and other vital services.“
https://www.healthychildren.org/English ... ID-19.aspx
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WARNING!!! Warning!!!!
Micro aggression imminent!
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"The American Academy of Pediatrics has clarified its stance on school reopening amid the COVID-19 pandemic after the Trump administration repeatedly used the academy’s previous statement to pressure school systems to resume in-person learning in the fall.

The AAP, in a joint statement with three large education organizations, emphasized that school reopening should be driven by science and safety—“not politics.” It also directly responded to President Trump’s threat of withholding funding from schools that did not reopen, calling the move a “misguided approach.”

https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/202 ... e-warning/
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I forgot to add this, from the healthychildren.org quote above:
Last Updated 7/14/2020
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So that post dates Rita’s rebuttal? :lol:
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