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What about students and staff who are immune compromised? What about special Ed students who are unable to keep masks on? Do you think they should serve lunch and have all those students in the lunchroom? What about music classes? How about PE? Will students have to change into gym clothes? What metrics will be used to determine when a school should be shut down? How many students will be allowed on a bus at a time? What will be the cleaning/disinfecting schedule? What about IEP meetings for special Ed students? What about teachers who travel to schools to provide instruction to low incidence special Ed kids?
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lots of valid questions there, and I suspect that our VERY handsomely paid superintendents and school administrators can work all that out. Maybe we do the same thing we do in school during flu season? If you're sick, stay home. Otherwise, see you in class!
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We close school when there is a bad flu season. It happened in February in Illinois and Indiana.
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LovelyRita wrote: Sat Jul 04, 2020 9:14 am We close school when there is a bad flu season. It happened in February in Illinois and Indiana.
what duration of time did they stay closed?
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Usually until the local health department said it was OK. There are established metrics for epidemics, too.
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The problem with how the governor closed things is that decisions were made in Chicago. Our local Health Department and hospitals should have been the decision-makers, not a guy sitting in Chicago.

Last time I looked, Peoria Heights had zero cases and it has remained at zero I believe. WHY were our schools closed?
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Schools were closed to flatten the curve. Unfortunately closing without federal participation has resulted in these crazy spikes across the country. No surprise those spikes are in very republican states. If everyone had participated, we'd be able to have nice things. Instead, we're subject to travel bans.

Lack of federal leadership has taken us down this road. You can't bitch about wearing a mask in public and be surprised about schools being canceled.
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LovelyRita wrote: Sat Jul 04, 2020 11:22 amLack of federal leadership has taken us down this road.
What would you do differently? How many lives do you think were lost directly as a result of federal government action or inaction? Are the lives that could be lost or ruined due to economic depression not a concern to you?
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Tough issue regarding schools.
#1, I thought it was a law that any child under age 13 could not be left home alone.

You have some working full time jobs, or perhaps a single parent working 2-3 PT jobs. And may not qualify for child care subsidies. A parent can't work from home if they work at a restaurant or on the line at a factory.

Daycare is another issue. No matter the facts about whether children can get infected or spread disease, many places may now limit how many children they can take. Which means a parent will have to find, vet, and place their child somewhere else.

I suggest for grades K-7 or 8 that in-school sessions be held. For 8 or 9-12, a hybrid system. That way, if a teen isn't doing their school work, then a parent can probably take off a half day to set them straight.

The Federal or state government is not going to continue to send stimulus checks to parents who have children under age 12 because they have to stay home from work to school them.
F**k these insane trackers, this place is not a healthy debate of issues anymore, just a bunch of folks trying to outdo one another. Where is the cancel account button?
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Tazewell wrote: Sat Jul 04, 2020 11:43 am
LovelyRita wrote: Sat Jul 04, 2020 11:22 amLack of federal leadership has taken us down this road.
What would you do differently? How many lives do you think were lost directly as a result of federal government action or inaction? Are the lives that could be lost or ruined due to economic depression not a concern to you?
The POTUS should have worn a mask as early as possible. There should have been widespread testing and contact tracing initiated by the feds. We should have used the plan previously in place. We should have quarantined and tested all incoming travelers when the band began. We should have had PPE supplies at recommended levels.
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